Fire Safety Devices Pvt. Ltd.
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Firechem Force Dry Powder

Firechem Force Dry Powder

50.00 - 200.00 INR/Kilograms

Product Details:


Firechem Force Dry Powder Price And Quantity

  • 200 Kilograms
  • 50.00 - 200.00 INR/Kilograms

Firechem Force Dry Powder Trade Information

  • 50000 Kilograms Per Month
  • 5-7 Days

Product Description

Since our rise, we have been instrumental in offering Firechem Force Dry Powder. Our provided power is used in fire extinguishers for creating a hard coating over the surface of ignition materials. It minimize free radical generation to prevent the spread of fires. Offered powder is processed using chemicals and modern methodology with the help of ingenious professionals. We provide this Firechem Force Dry Powder to the clients at marginal prices. 

Key points:

  • Highly effective for class B fires
  • Precisely composition of potassium bicarbonate
  • Standard shelf life
  • Non effective for ozone layer depletion

FireChem Force is basically dry powder offered under the range of fire fighting chemicals. It is suitable for high risk class B fires (Potassium Bi - Carbonate and Urea Reaction Complex). In fact, FireChem Force is known as most effective and powerful extinguishing media throughout the world. Adding on, it has the Lowest Application Density (0.40 kg/m2) in the entire world.

Extinguishing Mechanism

It is reported that due to high rate of free radical generation, small fires have been converted very quickly. These free radicals are basically the deciding factor of fire extinguishing efficiency. Their rate of removal is directly proportional to the surface area of contact. This means that extinguishing process is faster for larger surface area.

Decrepitation Property of FireChem Force is unique. As per this property, in the flame zone the powder particles break down into huge quantity of minute particles thereby increasing the powder surface in the zone.

FIRECHEM FORCE has best removal rate of free radicals and covers a large surface area. This gives the most marvelous power to knockdown a flame that remain matchless in comparison to conventional powders that are formulated on the basis of MAP (Monoammonium Phosphate), PBC (Potassium Bicarbonate) and SBC (Sodium Bicarbonate).

Technical Data and Key Facts


Typical Values


Off White, Free Flowing Powder

Apparent Density

0.5 to 0.6 Gm/Cm3

Average Particle Size

55 to 65 Microns


2% Max

Water Repellency

1.5% Max

Moisture Content

Less Than 0.25%

Temperature Stability



Non Corrosive




UL 299C

Manufacturing & Quality System

ISO 90011:2000


It is used in customary Fire Trucks, Fixed Installations, Portable Fire Extinguishers, Powder Cannons and Wheeled Units. Since it has low density (0.5 to 0.6), 60% charge by weight will be needed to fill the extinguishers to the equal capacity. Since it uses less quantity to extinguish the fire very quickly, it is used in high risk locations. Also, it is compatible with foam and is used in powder and foam twin application system.

Storage and Shelf Life

FIRECHEM FORCE can hold up extreme climatic conditions. Its shelf life is very high (5 years) during which the powder sustains its form of free-flow that too without any loss of properties. Make sure to store the product safely and properly (up to to 60oC) in the original packing of plastic drums.

Class B Fire Hazard Mitigation Calculation

Effective costing calculation is done on the basis of cost of dry powder and density of test application (urea and potassium bicarbonate reaction) per kilogram. The calculations should be done as follows:

  • Application Density in kg/sq.meters = (X)

  • Rate in Rupee/kg. as quoted by the bidder = (Y)

  • Effective Cost of Powder per unit Area (Rs./sq. meter area)=(X)*(Y)

The resultant effective cost is then used for calculating the overall cost incurred by customers to safeguard a specific part of area that is deemed fire hazardous.

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Select Unit

  • 50
  • 100
  • 200
  • 250
  • 500
  • 1000+
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